students working on a SURVE project in the labs

Prepare for Success in the SURVE Program

Students in our SURVE program engage in various activities meant to promote an understanding of “science as a vocation” in light of the Benedictine wisdom tradition. Through daily prayer, community 餐, reading & 讨论, 讲座, and the opportunity to attend daily Mass, young men and women can grow in their faith, learn about the nature of science and the vocation of the scientist, and gain research experience that will prepare them for their career goals.

通过检验, students explore the harmony and complementarity of faith and reason and the “integration of knowledge” described in 《MG冰球突破试玩》 在 本笃会智慧传统. Students also have opportunities to practice the Benedictine motto of “ora et labora” (“pray and work”) through participation in communal prayer and daily Mass. 通过指定阅读, 讨论, interactions with visiting scholars, and participation in volunteer and science outreach activities, SURVE students broaden their perspectives to understand the vocation of the scientist in the wider social, 道德, 精神环境.

Explore the components of SURVE below and reach out to us to get started!

SURVE students and faculty work together in a scientific community, 分享祷告时间, 餐, 实验室会议, 期刊社, 和研讨会. Students and faculty also have the opportunity to attend daily mass together. Fostering a sense of community and promoting interdisciplinary collaborations are major goals of the SURVE program.

SURVE is a 10-week program, lasting from approximately late May through early August. (If you have a special circumstance, or have general questions about flexible internship dates, 请联络我们).

Local University of Mary students may choose to live on or off-campus. If you are not already a University of Mary student, you may wish to live on-campus during the summer.

Many of our SURVE students also choose to take advantage of the University of Mary’s 全年校园 course offerings to get ahead in their coursework. We have found that students in SURVE tend to be most successful when they take no more than one course per summer session, which allows them time for lab projects and to make progress on research.



朗德罗斯生物实验室 students focus on the characterization of genes in the visual system.  We use a model organism, Drosophila melanogaster, to identify genes required for vision.  These students learn to perform various techniques, 包括电生理学, DNA隔离, 聚合酶链反应, DNA凝胶电泳, 酶限制消化, DNA Ligation and Transformation, 能态细胞的制备, 免疫印迹, 基本苍蝇饲养, and CRISPR experimental design.

波义耳生物实验室 uses publicly available museum records to reconstruct how different species' presence and abundance have changed over the 20th and 21st centuries. We use statistical and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques to test how changes in land-use, 农业实践, and more have affected biological communities in the United States. Students learn to use the well known R program for statistical analysis and data visualization, 映射, 统计检验.

Biggane生物实验室 students investigate how bioelectricity influences cell behaviors outside the nervous system. 通过这项工作, we aim to understand mechanisms of change in cancer-related cell characteristics (e.g., proliferation, migration, invasion). Students learn techniques in pharmacology, 细胞培养, 显微镜, 电生理学, 计算分析, 基因表达分析, 免疫印迹法.

我们的 生物化学实验室, together with the biology and chemistry labs, studies biochemical enzyme mechanisms. We also study the mechanism of action of several classes of novel inhibitors of the HIV-1 polymerase reverse transcriptase. Using a combination of biochemical techniques, 计算机建模方法, 有机合成, 我们正在尝试设计, 构建, and study increasingly more potent inhibitors of this important viral therapeutic target. 这个实验室由博士领导. Peliska.

我们的学生 化学实验室 use computational modeling and molecular simulations to understand the mechanisms by which proteins operate. By studying the effects of mutations at important sites in the protein, we explore the pathways of communication throughout the protein to identify allosteric sites, predict amino acids that are critical for function, and identify the molecular basis of the protein's mechanism.

Together with the chemistry lab, our 工程实验室 develops and uses statistical analysis techniques for analyzing large and complex data sets. 我们的 current work studies Galvanic Skin Resistance (GSR) as a measure of stress and examines its ability to predict student performance in engineering coursework. 这个小组由Dr. Oweis.